- JDBC Template : SELECT
호출 : localhost:8000/info/cityListByCode/KOR/3000000
→ countryCode = KOR, population = 3000000
public Object cityByCountryCode(@PathVariable("countryCode") String ctCode, @PathVariable("population") int population) {
log.info("countryCode = {}, population {}", ctCode, population);
List<City> cityList = infoService.findCityByCodeAndPopulation(ctCode, population);
return cityList;
호출 : localhost:8000/info/cityListByCode?countryCode=KOR
→ countryCode = KOR, population = 0
public Object cityByCountryCode(@RequestParam("countryCode") String ctCode, @RequestParam(value="population", required = false, defaultValue = "0") int population) {
log.info("countryCode = {}, population = {}", ctCode, population);
List<City> cityList = infoService.findCityByCodeAndPopulation(ctCode, population);
return cityList;
- CitySql.groovy
class CitySql {
public static final String SELECT = """
SELECT ID, Name, CountryCode, District, Population FROM city WHERE 1=1
public static final String COUNTRY_CODE_CONDITION = """
AND countryCode = :countryCode
public static final String POPULATION_CONDITION = """
AND population >= :population
- CityRepository
public class CityRepository {
private final NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate;
private final CityRowMapper cityRowMapper;
public CityRepository(NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate) {
this.namedParameterJdbcTemplate = namedParameterJdbcTemplate;
this.cityRowMapper = new CityRowMapper();
// 코드 생략
public List<City> findByCountryCodeAndPopulation(String countryCode, int population) {
SqlParameterSource param = new MapSqlParameterSource("countryCode", countryCode).addValue("population", population);
return namedParameterJdbcTemplate.query(query, param, this.cityRowMapper);
- InfoService
public class InfoService {
private final CityRepository cityRepository;
public InfoService(CityRepository cityRepository) {
this.cityRepository = cityRepository;
public List<City> findCityByCodeAndPopulation(String countryCode, int population) {
return this.cityRepository.findByCountryCodeAndPopulation(countryCode, population);
- InfoController
public class InfoController {
private InfoService infoService;
public InfoController(InfoService infoService) {
this.infoService = infoService;
public List<City> cityByCountryCode(@PathVariable("countryCode") String ctCode, @PathVariable("population") int population) {
log.info("countryCode = {}, population {}", ctCode, population);
List<City> cityList = infoService.findCityByCodeAndPopulation(ctCode, population);
return cityList;